Your Support Means So Much

Your Support Means So Much

I quickly wanted to publish this blog post to show my appreciation for every single one of you that has help support Fox Clean and Stauffer Garage. You have left the most amazing comments and shared in something that I truly love, detailing. When I was little I have pictures helping wash the family cars and growing up with a love of all motor powered vehicles, maintenance and care went hand in hand. I still have a picture from when I just got my new car and came home with a TON of detailing supplies I had purchased with my own money. Back then, Klasse Twins was a big deal (tell me I'm not the only one who remembers this brand) and I began washing, polishing, and waxing every car I could. In college I detailed on the side to help pay for school and that is when I had the chance to work on some really amazing cars from Porsches, Ferraris and my favorite... a MKIV Supra. After college, came work full time and even then I struggled to dedicate as much time as I used to but after all of these years... here we are, back to my roots. I have the amazing support of a ton of people and I try to share tips/tricks and motivation that everyone can detail and take care of their own rides. Long story short, I love you all for being here. 


James Stauffer

PS... I got a few new items hitting the store in July :)

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